Wednesday, April 28, 2010

When Matty Met Crispy

It's true, my loyal followers. Behold the action photo of me and actor/author/director Crispin Hellion Glover.

In this photograph, we were either discussing a possible pirating movie theater in Portland, Oregon, or the ravaging long-term (albeit orgasmic) affects of speedballing. Don't worry: Just like Marty Scorsese editing Neil Young in The Last Waltz, I digitally removed the huge fucking moonrock from my nostril.

Don't believe it? Too grainy? Well then check out this more traditional book signing/fan boy photograph:

The myth of a man was in town showing a slide show of his books, his film It Is Fine. Everything Is Fine!, and conducting a Q & A at the art museum. I volunteered to staff the event, granting me inside access to the intellectual cult sensation.

After the book signing was over, did I help him pack up his shit? Yes. Did he give me a chocolate bunny? Yes. Did I annoyingly ask him about Back to the Future and his 1987 Letterman appearance, however phrasing it like I wasn't that interested, insisting that I was wondering if "juvenile" members of his Q & A audience bother him with questions like that? Absolutely. We even talked about him suing Steven Spielberg and Robert Zemeckis for creepily using his likeness in BTTF2 without his consent.

And yes, I recorded our conversation on the drive to his hotel downtown (I creepily sat in the backseat, like a mobster about to strangle him), fully intending on typing it out on here as if it were an interview. But that's, um, kind of weird. And illegal.


  1. wow...unreal!

    i'm not just talking about the fact that you met him, but your posture in that second picture! it bud!

  2. A telephone conversation about this must take place soon.
